10Milarepett 2012 (2012-04-11)
Categoría: Tävling
Mapa/área: Handen
País: Sweden
Disciplina: 9.7km
Posta: leg 1/2
Distance: 12.59 km
Time: 80:26
Another nice run with typical swedish spring weather... And darkness. Better get used to it! The mass start was a bit too fast for me, and I was in a second-hand runner group, but we stayed together and the speed was quite high for the whole race. A small mistake (2 minutes still) on control 8 just to remind me to read carefully the map, but other mistakes were more like hesitations. Nice run, good legs and motivation, despite the weather. Note: The small track is from Daniel Lennartsson.
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10Milarepett 2012 (2012-04-11) 10Milarepett 2012 (2012-04-11)